

Hector Heritage Quay

"Winner of Attractions Canada Award 2002". The Hector Heritage Quay is one of Nova Scotia'smajor cultural tourist attractions. The Quay is home to the Ship Hector, a full sized replica of the original ship which brought the first wave of emigrants from Scotland to Nova Scotia in 1773.


Northumberland Fisheries Museum

The Northumberland Fisheries Museum in Pictou pays tribute to the fisheries industry of theNorthumberland Shore region by preserving the rich sea heritage and culture of the NorthumberlandStrait. The Museum consists of: 1) The Lobster Stock Enhancement Research Facility, an operating lobster hatchery and lab.


McCulloch House Museum

The McCulloch House Museum in Pictou, Nova Scotia is a site of the Nova Scotia Museum. It boasts interpretive materials designed to tell the story of Thomas McCulloch and his roles in education and politics in Pictou in the early 19th century.


Ship Hector

Hector was a ship famous for having been part of the first significant migration of Scottish settlers to Nova Scotia in 1773.

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